Archive for the ‘Morality’ Category


McCain ‘Bumper Sticker’ Beating – Hoax!?

October 23, 2008

Alleged victim of a brutal assault resulting in a black eye, and a gently carved 'B' in the cheek.

That’s right, it appears that the Pittsburgh police are investigating the case of the McCain volunteer who claims she was beaten and robbed and had a ‘B’ carved into her cheek, and it may be a hoax.

The alleged victim claims that she was at an ATM in Pittsburgh when the alleged assailant approached her, robbed her of $60, then, noticing she had a McCain bumper sticker, beat her, and carved a ‘B’ into her cheek with a knife. As the photo indicates, the assailant must have done the deed very carefully, as not to cause permanent damage. The incident, although it had been claimed to happen right near the ATM, shows no evidence of the assault on the ATM’s security camera.

If Ashley Todd’s claims are false, this could be a media nightmare for the already beleaguered campaign that many charge with untruths meant to show their opponent as a terrorist and child molester.

A curious aspect to the photograph is the ‘B’ is backwards, as if the assailant carved the letter into the alleged victim’s cheek while looking in a mirror. More on this story as the investigation continues. Check back early, and often.

UPDATE: She definitively hoaxed it, according to police. She’s a scourge on society, and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. What a psycho.

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First Bachmann, Now Hayes – Liberals Hate America – Audio

October 21, 2008

Congressman Robin Hayes. Pantyhose factory owner and hates liberals.

Congressman Robin Hayes, a Republican from North Carolina, has echoed the sentiments of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann who, only a couple days ago called for investigations into whether certain liberal members of Congress were ‘anti-American’. His stunning comment, made before what he described as the largest gathering for John McCain in North Carolina, was “liberals hate real Americans that work and achieve and believe in God.”

Rep. Hayes, a wealthy owner of a pantyhose factory, said not minutes before “make sure we don’t say something stupid, make sure we don’t say something we don’t mean.” In other words, Congressman Hayes either doesn’t understand the statement was stupid, or he is indeed so stupid as to think his statement was intelligent. His think, rural, southern accent lends a wonderful atmosphere to this bit of far right wing hyperbolic, hate filled rhetoric.

It seems the Republican party has become more honest with the American people as to how they view America. It’s not one of acceptance, or democracy, or a melting pot, or a place where freedoms are sacred, but rather they seem to view America as only residing in the hearts of those that unfailingly vote for Republican candidates. That seems to be what they think is America. I have news for them, America is no such place.

We have not toiled and striven, fought wars and sacrificed family members for your vision of America, Congressman. These actions and accomplishments have been undertaken for freedom, liberty, and the hope of never having an oppressive regime siphon these noble ideals from our minds. The Republicans don’t agree, apparently–they seem to be proposing just that. A regime that only honors those that believe in their god, that only protects those that support them, and only cares only to put forward the values of their America–where hatred is good, and investigating anyone who is suspected of disagreeing with them is needed. That is tyranny, it is not democracy. That is a reversion back to Joe McCarthy, or, if they succeed where he failed, Joseph Stalin.

Here is proof of Congressman Hayes saying the disgusting words of hate and division:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Credit to Politico for the audio


Top Republican Fundraiser ‘Jokes’ About Obama Assasination

October 19, 2008

Remember this name: Al Austin

Al Austin, portrayed in a more fitting black & white with sepia tones. His humor is straight out of a 1940's or 50's dictatorship.

Mr. Austin, a top Republican fundraiser from Tampa, Florida, has mass emailed a ‘joke’ about blowing up Obama and his wife, Michelle. The punchline was “it certainly wouldn’t be a great loss, and it probably wouldn’t be an accident either.” That was the punchline to a ‘joke’ about killing a sitting US Senator, and a man who in three weeks could be the President-Elect.

This man, this horrible person, Al Austin, is not a fringe individual in the Republican Party. He is the former Finance Chairman for the National Republican Party. He has also been a co-chair of commitees to bring the Republican National Convention to Tampa, as well as personally donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Republican Party and Republican candidates. Mr. Austin has raised millions upon millions of dollars for Republicans as a fundraiser.

He probably feels comfortable in his 18 room mansion, and driving his fancy cars. Beyond wealthy, he is a massively successful real estate developer that uses his political sway to make money. He goes so far as to have personal meetings with President Bush, the outcome of said meetings can’t be quite certain, but we do know that splendor and wealth rains down on this heinous man faster than he can spend it.

This is the Republican party of today. Comfortable with questioning others patriotism and motives, all the while pushing forward the idea that blowing up those you don’t agree with would be no big deal. The very core of the Republican party has become a respite for those with less morals than dollars, and more hatred for opponents than love for country.

I do not simply call on John McCain and President Bush to publicly disavow this pathetic excuse for a man, but I call on this detestable hate filled man to leave the country. Leave this country so that those of us who do not profess killing those that are on the other side of the aisle can shake hands and move forward with the urgent business at hand. Leave the country, Mr. Austin, so that real patriots, those that care about all Americans can stabilize this quickly fracturing political landscape. Leave the country, you wizened, filthy endorser of terrorism. Leave for the good of the nation you claim to care about.


McCain Incites Domestic Terrorism Against ACORN

October 17, 2008

ACORN, the community activist organization that registers people to vote, and notifies registrars of the potential duplicate or fraudulent registrations, has become a target of domestic terrorists supporting McCain’s election as president. The terrorists have sent death threats and have already terrorized offices of the organization, reeling already from false accusations of fraudulent registrations.

According to reports, at least two offices of ACORN have been hit by domestic terrorists, with other offices and individuals in fear for their lives. The McCain campaign has yet to control the terrorists, and have further incited them today with more false claims of ACORN trying to ‘fix’ the election, the same election that John McCain is currently trailing by millions upon millions of legitimate potential votes. The terrorists motives are unclear, but it seems they are seeking to improve the odds of John McCain’s presidential ambitions.

The ACORN offices in Boston and Seattle have been already hit by the terrorists, and individuals in Cleavland and Providence have had their lives threatened in credible and direct threats by the domestic terrorists. Over 87 ACORN offices across the country have been targeted with other threats and emails, showing the depth and breadth of the domestic terrorists’ potential targets. Many of the emails are of a racist nature, providing a possible clue that the domestic terrorists are not only McCain supporters, but also complete savages.

ACORN has registered hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters, and works closely with local and state officials to make sure that any fraudulent registrations are pointed out. By law, ACORN, and any other organization must turn in every single voter registration card that they receive, regardless of whether of not they believe that the registration is invalid or illegitimate. ACORN has a very long history of working with local and state officials to ensure the integrity of the voter registration process, a fact that is overlooked by the McCain campaign in their inciting remarks about the situation.

Just today, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected the false claims of the Republican Party and the McCain campaign, stating that newly registered voters can use normal ballots. The Republicans wanted special ballots to be made for new voters, and suppress the voters from having their votes counted. The FBI has been pressured by Republican lawmakers to investigate claims that US Attorneys have already concluded are false allegations. The Republican lawmakers are using political pressure when legitimate law enforcement officers won’t pursue the false claims.

We can only hope that the domestic terrorists inspired by the McCain campaign don’t end up killing people. It’s time that the McCain campaign controlled these terrorists before the threaten more lives, and target more offices.


Joe the Plumber- Completely Fake

October 16, 2008

Okay, so… Joe the Plumber is actually Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. He is closely related to the Wurzelbacher that was Charles Keating’s VP and son in law, a convicted felon. Keating was the guy who John McCain broke a slew of ethics laws for, and a first rate scumbag. So, Sam the fake plumber ends up not being legally registered to vote in Ohio, as the only person that fits ‘Joe’ is one Sam Worzelbacher , so thus must commit voting fraud in order to vote as his name is completely incorrect.

It also seems that Joe doesn’t even live near where he questioned Senator Obama, as the address for Newell Plumbing, the company which he is an unlicensed ‘plumber’ for is quite a distance away, and is a residence. So he wasn’t just outside throwing the football with his son…he travelled to get there.

What a big ol’ crock this is. Another stunt by the McCain camp.

From Subterranean Signal:

Many have pointed out the oddity that this man who is supposedly not involved with politics would be interviewed by several right wing media outlets prior to the debate and was already confirmed for the morning shows by the time the event wrapped up. Within hours it was reported that the McCain Campaign had asked him to attend a rally on Sunday but he was going to be out of town for the weekend…doing the talk show circuit it turns out. Many have also remarked on the similarity between the talking points he’s been repeating and some new ones cropping up around the talk circuit with Stephanie Miller reporting that she’s recently gotten calls with the same language. Also an odd thing, if nothing else, is the presence of newspaper reporters at his house to photograph him watching the debate, though he says he had no idea he would be mentioned. Of course he was more than mentioned, he was McCain’s whole line of attack.

From Daily Kos:

During last night’s presidential debate, we heard a lot about “Joe the Plumber,” also known as Joe Wurzelbacher, an average (ahem) Joe, who is really worried that a President Obama might raise his taxes. But does Joe really need to worry? Because if he’s the same Joe that ABC News identified as Sam Joe Wurzelbacher, also of Toledo, Ohio, he doesn’t always bother to pay his taxes.




Defendant 1:
TOLEDO, OH  43615


McCain Hires Saddam’s Lobbyist – Scandal!

October 14, 2008

That’s right, you read that correctly. Michael Timmons, the head of a lobbying effort by Saddam Hussein after the Gulf War is the head of McCain’s transition team. Timmons, a consummate Washington lobbyist who puts money before ethics, attempted to ease the sanctions put in place to prevent Saddam Hussein from acquiring the means with which to kill more people. If you think Bill Ayers is a bad person, Michael Timmons must be Satan incarnate.

So, John McCain wants to appraoch reform in Washington in the same way that massively corrupt lobbyists that act as agents for foreign countries do–more lobbying, more deceit, and less ability to stop those that kill their own populations. This is a horrific man. A man that either saw nothing wrong with Saddam Hussein after the Gulf War, or overlooked the evil within the Iraqi regime and took their money and fought for them. A mercenary in the very worst way.

It gets worse, according to reports, Timmons closest coworker on the project, one Mr. Samir Vincent (an Iraqi born American), was convicted of working as an unregistered Iraqi agent. I have a name for unregistered agents of foreign countries, I call them saboteurs and spies. Mr. Timmons worked with an unregistered foreign agent for Saddam Hussein while lobbying to rid Saddam Hussein of those pesky sanctions.

Let me put it this way, John McCain has hired a man who is known to have worked with a unregistered foreign agent of Saddam Hussein to help Iraq get money for what John McCain has said would be used to buy weapons of mass destruction. If you care one iota for ethics and honesty from your politicians, this has to rank as one of the worst possible connections that could ever be made.

Remember when that guy was caught for attempting to bribe the UN Secretary General, Boutros Boutros Ghali, with millions of dollars received directly from the Saddam Hussein regime? That was Tongsun Park, the man that Michael Timmons introduced to Samir Vincent, who then they hired to help influence lawmakers and the UN, according to testimony. Timmons testified against his employees for a reduced sentence. That’s right, The head of McCain’s transition team is a known criminal.

Timmons was also involved in selling Iraqi oil during the sanction period. So many irregularities and scandals erupted from the oil for food program that it was constantly in the news. Mr. Timmons was in on the whole deal. He was an integral part of an attempted bribery of the UN Secretary General, sold oil for Saddam, and was a lobbyist for Saddam Hussein, and now John McCain trusts him enough to head his transition team.

People, this isn’t a scandal, it’s a blatant middle finger to every American straight from the hand of John McCain.


John McCain’s Lame Attempt to Defuse the Crazies

October 11, 2008

He’s a Muslim terrorist, and we can’t trust him. That’s what the McCain campaign has been trying to tell the American electorate over the past couple of weeks about Barack Obama. I came out early in my indignation of such disgusting tactics, and stand by my question as to McCain’s motivations. It hasn’t been hard to see the connections between terrorism and a Muslim sounding name that the McCain campaign is trying to paint, and now it isn’t hard to see why John McCain made a lame attempt to seem like a halfway decent man. Unfortunately, it’s a ploy.

McCain never denounced the tactic that has been used by himself and the right wing radio hate mongers. He can’t do that. All McCain did was to appear as though he was defusing it. If he had actually meant it, he would have attacked those that are attempting to stoke the fears and anger of the less informed, yet he stood pat in his 10 second ‘he’s an honorable man’ routine. Ten seconds cannot undo the generations of fear ingrained into the minds of the racists, it can’t defuse the bomb planted in the minds of those now convinced that Senator Obama is a Muslim terrorist, ten seconds can’t undo what the McCain campaign has dedicated hours upon hours, and days upon days creating—perverse, irrational hatred.

The mob’s chants and screams do not lie, they are the creation and the intended creation of the campaign’s war of hate. When the Governor Sarah ‘Abuse of Power’ Palin gets up on stage after being introduced by speakers that for consecutive days called Senator Barack Obama ‘Barack Hussein Obama’, and not only let that pass without comment, but forcefully attempted to connect that man now freshly minted in the eyes and minds of the mob as someone who is foreign with the concept of terrorism.

John McCain has even taken it a step further, attempting to tie Michelle Obama in with the concept of terrorism. That’s not only disgusting, but so over the line of decency that I am at a loss to think of any part of John McCain that may be redeemable. You attack not only a good decent man with slanderous and ludicrous lies, but also have the audacity to call his wife one of the most vile things that anyone can be called in post 9/11 America. We know you, John McCain, you don’t shy away from verbally assaulting woman, and in some cases, pushing them against the wall in a senate hallway, as you did to a woman seeking answers for her MIA soldier son.

That woman you assaulted in the Senate hallway had done nothing but tried to get answers to heal her pain, but instead you made the pain worse. With Michelle Obama, you are not only calling her soul into question, but you are making her a target for vigilantes and those with less facilities for reason than a normal citizen. You are having two little girl’s mother targeted, and also their father. Two little girls, innocent and wondrously enjoying life in the company of two great parents, who happen to be great Americans. You are doing this, John McCain. By not calling out those that are doing so more vocally, those that are supposed to be under your direct influence, you are implicitly, and with your accusations against them in ads directly paid for and approved by yourself, explicitly responsible for this situation of hatred and potential violence.

Representative John Lewis, a great civil rights leader and true patriot, a man that you, Senator McCain, said you would seek the counsel of, has today given you counsel. He has called for you to stop your desperate bid at a hateful end of the presidential race. He has given you wise counsel in telling you that

“As one who was a victim of violence and hate during the height of the Civil Rights Movement, I am deeply disturbed by the negative tone of the McCain-Palin campaign.  What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history.  Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.”

In your most recent book, John McCain, you tell the story of John Lewis, and what an inspiration he is to you. Well, it’s time that you let him inspire you again, Senator. He has called you out for the disgusting, hateful rhetoric that you’ve employed, and you must either comply with his advice, or face the truth of your dishonor not only at the polls, but also in the annals of American history.

Representative Lewis goes on to tell you, and us:

“As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all.  They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy.”

Heed this great man’s words, and honor the grace and strength that Representative Lewis has shown in his life by abiding by this. You have no time left to win, John McCain, but you may have just enough time left in the spotlight to right the wrongs that you have committed.


Palin – Church and State Issues as Governor

October 11, 2008

Well, well, well. The Governor of Abuse of Power Alaska, Sarah Palin, has been blurring the line between Church and State. Not only has she publicly claimed to do god’s work from the Governors office (how does she know what god’s will would be?), but she has been taking taxpayer’s money to take religious trips. According to the AP, $13,000 in her 20 months in office, or $650 each month.

Since she took state office in late 2006, the governor and her family have spent more than $13,000 in taxpayer funds to attend at least 10 religious events and meetings with Christian pastors, including Franklin Graham, the son of evangelical preacher Billy Graham, records show.

Now, I’ve already broken down her gifts by month, week, and day in a previous post, which amounted to $1,200 a month. Add these religious ventures in and that’s $22,200 a year. That’s not even including the money she charged the taxpayers to sleep in her own bed, $17,000, add that, and it’s $39,200. Now, wouldn’t it be more christian, and more mavericky to use that money for some good, instead of her own personal use, like, say…feeding 10,000 people for a day, or 1,000 people for 10 days, or 100 needy people for 100 days, or 10 staving people for 3 whole years?

But that’s not the kind of christian, or the kind of maverick she is. The kind she is doesn’t do things to help others, only herself. The kind she is abuses power, and steals money from the taxpayers for her own benefit. The kind she is imposes theocratic law, rather than fights it. She is pathetic, a complete package of hypocrisy and hate.

Palin–abuse of power, abuse of morality, abuse of ethics. Scary, ain’t it?


Palin – Investigation Finds Abuse of Power

October 10, 2008

The Republican dominated Alaska State Legislature has found that Governor Sarah Palin has abused her powers as governor. What does this mean for the ‘Straight (Hate) Talk Express’? If she is not off the ticket by tomorrow morning, Sarah Palin and the Republican Party will be doing a disservice to the electorate, and her potential position as Vice President.

They will, no doubt, attempt to further rebuke the investigation by cries of partisanship, but the partisanship was toward the Republican side. A full 56 percent of the Alaska Legislature is Republican, so any attempts to call the findings into question is fool hardy and dishonest. There is a coalition between the Senate Democrats and some Senate Republicans, but it only because of Governor Palin’s despicable abuses.

She is now another corrupt Alaska politician, just like Ted Stevens (whose PAC she was the Director of), and should be turned away from ever holding and disgracing an office of public trust ever again. Wake up America, she is not a hockey mom, but a beast of deception and hatred. Blind, immoral abuse of power is not the stage of regular Joe six pack, but of those who wish for only their own ambition to be fulfilled.


High Level McCain Endorser–Not the Same Man

October 10, 2008

William Milliken, the former governor of Michigan, made comments in today’s Grand Rapids Press about the tenor of John McCain’s campaign. “He is not the McCain I endorsed,” Milliken stated. He went on to scold the campaign for attacks that are far out of line in a civilized political discourse.

“I’m disappointed in the tenor and the personal attacks on the part of the McCain campaign, when he ought to be talking about the issues.”

I’m glad there’s one Republican that understands the dangerous waters that McCain is guiding his supporters into. When crowds at a political rally yell for the death and torture of the other candidate, you’re no longer living in the United States that is the beacon of freedom for the world, but rather a scandalous nation that is willing to allow death threats into the debate of issues.

I am, and have been, appalled at the hate baiting and implicit defining of Senator Obama as a foreign terrorist. It’s time that this conversation left the blogs, and starts on the TV screens. It’s time that it leaves our held tongues, and starts thundering in the atmosphere. No longer can we allow the McCain campaign to incite hatred and violence. No longer can we allow their rallies to double as White Power gatherings. It has got to stop, and to do so, we must start this conversation at a more visible level.